Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Change Language From Chinese To English In Foxmail

Many of you have probably noticed that when installing Foxmail, the default language for the Foxmail user interface is Chinese. So by not having an option to change the language, and not being Chinese bunch of people could not use the application.
Actually there is an easy way to change the language in Foxmail from Chinese to English.
This is how you do it.

1. Open "My Computer"

2. Go to this folder "C:\Program Files\Tencent\Foxmail" (if your system disk is not C:, then change with the right letter)

3. Delete file "chinese.lgb" (backup if you wish).

And there you go, next time you open Foxmail menu, and everything else will be in English.
This can be quite useful to remember, since when the Foxmail updates it turns all the menus back to Chinese, so you have to delete "chinese.lgb" after every update (if the menus get to be Chinese).
This works on Foxmail 6 beta, if you know that it works on some other versions please feel free to leave a comment.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Files That You Cannot Delete

All of you have probably encountered a situation when you want to delete certain file but you could not do it because the file was used by another process or application (Cannot delete 'file': It is being used by another person or program. Close any programs that might be using the file and try again.)
But if you don't know which program is using that file then you don't know which program to close, which process to end.
Solution for this problem is LockHunter.
After installing this application you just right click the file you can not delete and click What is locking this file? The program will give you options related to file you want to delete, like which program is using it, to unlock it, delete it, when to delete etc.
Have fun unlocking your files.
Be carefull what you delete.
You can get LockHunter here, it's small, easy, and fast.

Disable Error Reporting, Error Reporting Problem

This is for those of you that have problem with Error Report window pops up. This annoying thing reports you when certain system errors occur, although your Windows will work just fine if the errors were not reported. By disabling this option you will continue using your computer uninterrupted.
It is quite easy to do!

1. Go to Control Panel

2. Double click "System" icon

3. Go to "Advanced" tab

4. In the bottom of "Advanced" tab you will find "Error Reporting" button, click on it.

5. Click on "Disable error reporting" button, and deselect the option "But notify me when critical errors occur"

6. Click OK

And there you go, there will be no more Error Reporting problems. If your computer gets to be unstable you may have it checked for hardware failures.